Edit Hotspot Map


Background imageImage to use as widget background. Can be a bitmap or SVG image. Images can be uploaded by either dropping a file inside the dashed grey area or clicking it to browse for a file.

Padding of the background (optional, in pixels). The padding can be defined in different ways:

  • Four values
    25 50 75 100
    Top padding is 25px, right padding is 50px, bottom padding is 75 px, left padding is 100px
  • Three values
    25 50 75
    Top padding is 25px, right and left paddings are 50px, bottom padding is 75px
  • Two values
    25 50
    Top and bottom paddings are 25px, left and right paddings are 50px
  • One value
    All four paddings are 25px

Map editor

Maximize / Minimize

The editor area can be maximized / minimized by clicking on the editor's background or on the Maximize / Minimize editor button.

Add hotspot

Add hotspots by clicking on the Add hotspot button.

Select hostpots

A hotspot can be selected by clicking on it in the editor. Multiple hotspots can be selected by either pressing the ctrl key while clicking on a hotspot or by using the rubber band tool.

All hotspots can be selected pressing ctrl+a.

Move / Resize hotspot

Selected hotspots can be moved or resized by Drag&Drop or using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Hotspots move 10 px per key press. To achieve more fine grained movements, the ctrl key can be pressed while using the arrow keys.

Snap lines help properly aligning multiple hotspots against each other.

Copy hotspot

Select the hotspot of your choice. Press ctrl+c and ctrl+v to get a copy of the hotspot on your map. Move the new object to the correct place on the map and configure it as usual.

Delete hotspot

Delete a hotspot by clicking the X button next to it.

Edit hotspot

A hotspots can be edited by either double-clicking it or clicking its gear wheel button in the hotspot list.

Typelightbulb (default), label, text, rectangle, icon.
NameName to identify the hotspot in the hotspot list.
PositionCoordinates in pixels relative to the hotspot map origin (top left corner).
SizeSize of the hotspot in pixels
OpacityOpacity of the hotspot (0 - 100%, default is 100%)
ClickableBy default clicking on a hotspot opens its details view. This can be deactivated with this setting.

Hotspot types


Show or hide frame around the lightbulb: vs.
Default statusDisplayed state of the lightbulb as long as no data is loaded.
Flash thresholdThreshold state at which the lightbulb should start to flash.

Activate label.


A label can be a hotspot itself:

The same settings are available for the label as shown above in the Lightbulb section.

Instead one can also display a label connected to a hotspot.


Free formatted text can be added using the Text hotspot:


Background color

Click to select the background color using a color chooser.
Set the A value to 0 to set a transparent background or to any number between 0 and 100 to get a translucent background effect.

Border colorClick to select the border color using a color chooser.
Border styleSolid (default), dashed, dotted, double.
Border widthBorder width in pixels.
Border radius

Border radius in pixels. Perfect circles can be achieved by setting this value to its maximum.

ShadowDrop shadow width in pixels.
LabelActivate label.


Use the Icon hotspot to add custom state-dependent lightbulbs:

Default StatusDisplayed status as long as no data is loaded.
Default iconDisplayed icon if no state dependent icon is defined.
State dependent iconsOne icon per state can be defined.
LabelActivate label.


Some hotspots have the ability to display a label next to it. To show a label, simply activate the Label checkbox.

PositionBottom, left, top, right

The field to display

  • hotspot_name
    Name of the hotspot
  • hotspot_text
    Free text
  • object_name
    Name of the selected object
  • object_values
    Value of the selected object
  • object_parameters
    Parameter of the selected object
  • object_properties
    Property of the selected object

Only visible if field is hotspot_text.

Text to display

Object type

Only visible if field is object_values, object_parameters or object_properties. 

Type of selected object

Sub Type

Only visible if field is object_values or object_parameters.

Sub type of the selected object.

Object value

Only visible if field is object_values.

Displayed value.

Object parameter

Only visible if field is object_parameters.

Displayed parameter.

Object property

Only visible if field is object_properties.

Displayed property.

Font sizeThe label font size in pixels.