RHEL uses yum or dnf (from version 8) as a frontend to the rpm command to install software packages. Use yum instead of rpm to handle package dependencies correctly.
CentOS 7
If the SKOOR software is installed on CentOS 7 systems, the EPEL (for smem, used by the SKOOR Engine Agent) and NUX Desktop (for ffmpeg) need to be added:
yum install centos-release-scl epel-release.noarch nux-dextop-release firewalld chrony
systemctl restart firewalld && systemctl enable firewalld systemctl restart chronyd && systemctl enable chronyd
AlmaLinux 8
If the SKOOR software is installed on AlmaLinux 8 systems, the EPEL (for smem, used by the SKOOR Engine Agent) and rpmfusion (for ffmpeg) need to be added:
dnf install epel-release.noarch rpmfusion-free-release.noarch firewalld chrony
systemctl restart firewalld && systemctl enable firewalld systemctl restart chronyd && systemctl enable chronyd
RockyLinux 9
If the SKOOR software is installed on RockyLinux 9 systems, the EPEL (for smem, used by the SKOOR Engine Agent) and rpmfusion (for ffmpeg) need to be added:
dnf install epel-release rpmfusion-free-release firewalld chrony
systemctl start firewalld && systemctl enable firewalld systemctl restart chronyd && systemctl enable chronyd
Also crb must be enabled (for libmysql):
dnf config-manager --enable crb
Install additional software
Installing the following packages is recommended:
# yum install net-snmp screen nmap-ncat
Install security updates
Apply all currently available security updates:
# yum --security update
Using yumdownloader to download RPM files (optional)
After installing software, yum discards the downloaded RPM files. To use RPM files for e.g. a local yum repository (see section 4.3.9), the yumdownloader command can be installed:
# yum install yum-utils
It allows downloading specific software packages to a predefined directory. The following command will download the two packages tftp and ftp to the webserver directory /srv/eranger/repo:
# yumdownloader --destdir /srv/eranger/repo tftp ftp
Use the --resolve commandline parameter with yumdownloader to download also dependent rpm packages of the given package.
Useful yum commands
# yum repolist # yum list installed # yum clean all