Object Filter
Objects filters are used to perform object searches in the SKOOR Engine model.
Setting | Description |
Search Type |
Filter Types
Allows to select a SKOOR object directly.
Deep Search
A deepSearch filter performs a deep search below the objects defined with the Objects below setting.
Setting | Description |
Objects below | Search is performed below this object. Can be a SKOOR object or a nested filter. |
Object type | Search for objects of the specified type. Can be set to |
Condition mode | Logical operator for conditions. |
Conditions | Filter conditions in JSON notation. Example: { "item": "<item>", "operator": "<operator>", "expression": "<search string>", "propertyId": "<property id if item is property_id>", "propertyKey": "<property key if item is property_key>" }
Object name | Only find objects matching this regular expression. Please notice that this is a client side filter. |
Object state | Only find objects in the defined state. Please notice that this is a client side filter . |
Conditions Examples
Find objects in state major and with property bsk_id equals 25
[ { "item": "property_key", "operator": "eq", "expression": 25, "propertyKey": "bsk_id" }, { "item": "state", "operator": "eq", "expression": "major" } ]
Objects which name starts with "foo"
{ "item": "name", "operator": "starts_with", "expression": "foo" }
Objects with value name “Count” greater than 0
{ "item": "value_name_user", "value": "Count", "operator": "gt", "expression": "0" }
Using URL parameter placeholder
{ "item": "name", "operator": "eq", "expression": "${params.name}" }
Immediate children
This filter provides immediate children of the object(s) defined by Objects below.
Setting | Description |
Objects below | Perform search on immediate children of this object. Can be a SKOOR object or a nested filter. |
Object type | Only find objects of this type. Please notice that this is a client side filter. |
Sub type | Only find objects of this sub type. Please notice that this is a client side filter. |
Object name | Only find objects matching this regular expression. Please notice that this is a client side filter. |
Object state | Only find objects in this state. Please notice that this is a client side filter. |
Performs a search based on the property query provided by a filter matrix on the same dashboard.
Execute filter
This filter executes a predefined filter defined by Objects below.
Setting | Description |
Objects below | Filter to execute. Can be a SKOOR filter or a nested object filter. |
Object name | Only find objects matching this regular expression. Please notice that this is a client side filter. |
Object state | Only find objects in this state. Please notice that this is a client side filter. |
Performs a search based on the property query provided by a filter matrix on the same dashboard.
Property query
Performs a search based on the property query provided by a filter matrix on the same dashboard.
Data source
Loads data from the selected data source.
Setting | Description |
Data source | External data source to get data from. |
Table | Table to load data from. |