Edit Inventory

Root object

A single object that is used as root of the displayed inventory tree. If more than one object matches the search criteria, only the first one is displayed. If there is no need to search an object dynamically, the preferred search type is Object.

Opened objects

The inventory tree will be spawned from the root object to the objects selected in this section.


The following properties can be set in the widget



Manual navigation reset timeout

To drill down the inventory tree, objects can be clicked to make the child objects visible. After this timeout, the inventory will be reset to the opened objects definition


Choose between a horizontal, vertical or circular object tree

Show level circles

Enable or disable lines between child object levels. This setting is visible when the orientation is set to circular

Opened action

Define if and when objects in the tree below the opened objects are displayed:

  • Show children: show child objects

  • Drill down bad objects: automatically drill down to objects causing a bad state

  • Drill down all objects: show all objects below