RHEL subscription
Each system must be registered with its own subscription in Red Hat subscription-manager.
To be able to register a system requires a connection from the server to the internet (unless there is an RHEL Satellite setup in the LAN) and a valid subscription (contract) with Red Hat with a username and password.
Subscription-manager comes pre-installed with the minimal installation.
Issue the registration (example):
subscription-manager register
Enter username and password
Username: <your_subscription_username> Password: ******* The system has been registered with ID: d7076d65-ac ...
Login to the RedHat Portal and check the registered systems on https://access.redhat.com/management/systems
At this point the system is registered, but not yet attached to a subscription. Attach to a subscription:
subscription-manager list
subscription-manager attach --auto
subscription-manager list
subscription-manager list --consumed
In the RedHat portal one should now see that the system is attached to a subscription. Systems registered with subscription-manager show up under Subscription management -> Units in Red Hat’s webportal.
Unregister subscription-manager
To detach a subscription & unregister:
subscription-manager remove --all
subscription-manager unregister
This action can also be issued in the Red Hat webportal, in case the system is already wiped.
Now yum can be used to its full extent. By default, only the standard Red Hat repository is available. Additionally, the following repositories are required for some of the SKOOR Engine components and must be enabled for the registered system in the Red Hat webportal or from the command line:
Red Hat 7
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms
The EPEL repository needs to be installed for certain components used by the SKOOR agent (smem). Refer to the following webpage to download the latest epel-release RPM file: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL.
Then transfer the RPM file and install it using the following command:
yum install epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
Finally, the nux-dextop repository is needed for EEM video functions. The RPM is provided by the SKOOR repository:
yum install nux-dextop-release