Automatic and customized login
Automatic login
Directly logging in without entering user credentials is possible, but requires configuration on OS level. This makes sense for a user without Administrator permissions, whose permissions are restricted to read-only access on specific objects.
To configure automatic login, create the file /etc/opt/eranger/ui/autologin.cmd with the following content in the SKOOR Engine file system:
Change the username joe and password secret to correspond to the login credentials of an existing SKOOR Engine user. Enter the following URL in the browser:
http://<IP address or host name of SKOOR Engine server>?do=autologin
Jumping to a predefined object after login
To be able to jump to a specific object after logging in, create the file /etc/opt/eranger/ui/navigate-obj.cmd with the following content in the SKOOR Engine file system (templates are available in the same directory):
event=login&item=login item=bsm&ajax_request=ajax_search&button=navigate
This URL would first prompt for the user’s credentials, then jump to the SKOOR Engine device with ID 43:
http://<IP address or host name of SKOOR Engine server>?do=navigate&type=Device&id=43
This can be combined with an automatic (passwordless) login by replacing the first line of the navigate.cmd file with the line from autologin.cmd.
Jumping to a predefined Service Map after login
To be able to jump to a specific Service Map without logging in, create the file /etc/opt/eranger/ui/bsm.cmd with the following content in the SKOOR Engine file system (templates are available in the same directory):
Change the username joe and password secret to correspond to the login credentials of an existing SKOOR Engine user. The following URL would then jump to the SKOOR Engine map which has the custom property 17 (The “Location” property) set to the value “Switzerland”:
http://<IP address or host name of SKOOR Engine server>?do=bsm&pv=Switzerland
Please contact SKOOR support for guidance on how to configure additional jump-points for automatic login.