Color of clock digits


Inactive segment color


Dashboard style
.widget.clock .digit svg path {
  fill: #979ca1;

Active segment color

Dashboard style
.widget.clock .digit svg {
  fill: #ff0000;

According to currently used time zone

The solution compares the current UTC offset with the UTC offset set on the clock widget. If those are the same, it sets the CSS class to local. A CSS rule in the dashboard style colors the local active paths accordingly.

Clock widget settings

Clock widget CSS class setting
 ${moment().utcOffset() == moment().tz("europe/zurich").utcOffset() ? "local" : ""}

Add the CSS class to each clock widget on the dashboard. The time zones in the time zone setting and the CSS class (europe/zurich in this example) have to match.

Dashboard style

.widget.clock.local .digit svg {
  fill: #0a87f0;